Steptember - Making every step count

Posted: 20/11/2018
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In September, Chatswood Toyota put their foot down for a great cause! Raising an amazing $61,788 for the people suffering with cerebral palsy.

Steptember charity event challenges Australians to improve their health and wellbeing with friends and families, whilst raising vital funds to support people living with cerebral palsy.

It requires you to take 10,000 steps a day whenever, wherever and however you like. This may not be as easy as it sounds, but the sponsorship of friends, family and colleagues, help raise funds to pay for equipment, therapy, and research into ground breaking treatments. Every dollar raised during Steptember allows for much-needed services, support, and care for so many kids and adults living with cerebral palsy and their families.

Within Australia, the generosity has spread wide drawing in a total of $6,795,040.00 and counting. Worldwide, the total contributions are sitting at a huge $10,095,957.51! 

Our Results:

Thanks to the generosity of all involved with Steptember, Chatswood Toyota were the 8th highest fundraising company in Australia and won the average per team value at $12,358 per team!!!!

All of us here at Chatswood Toyota, are very grateful for the outstanding support by all and would like to truly thank every contribution made to help such a fantastic cause!

Just some of Chatswood Toyota's advantages: